Our Process

“The CBD market could offer a compound annual growth rate of 147% through 2022”

Using our knowledge and local skilled labor, our site selection and preparation is the first step in producing the best quality and highest value hemp products on the market. Without the ideal site selection and preparation, the end result may not be as desirable or valuable. This is just one of the many reasons why should consistently produce some of the most valuable hemp on the market today.

New Area Selection

Our newest farm location consists of approximately 200 prime acres in Southern Belize. This property has the perfect soil, temperature and annual rainfall for growing hemp. Approximately five acres will be reserved for the drying and future oil processing facilities, as well as machinery storage and the equipment area that are needed to bring your crop to market..

Surveying the Best Planting Locations

Industrial Hemp is graded and valued on a scale. The higher the CBD content, the more valuable the harvest is. Without the ideal growing conditions and proper care, the final value may be greatly reduced. Our new location has never been commercially farmed so the soil has not been depleted of essential nutrients. Although work must still be done to create the perfect soil conditions, we will not need to rely on commercial fertilizers. All soil improvements will be done organically, without the use of chemicals, resulting in a more marketable and profitable product.

Once a site is researched, approved and acquired, we begin the painstaking task of seed selection. As important as the actual land they are planted in, the proper seed selection is paramount to the success of the final harvest value. Our seeds are genetically bred to have less than .3% THC, making the plants legal, and a CBD content of between 13-15%, making them highly valuable.

Seed Selection

Choosing the proper seeds is paramount and the first step in the hemp farming process. Without the proper seeds, the final harvest and overall profits can be diminished. We have a close working relationship with some of the top seed producers in North America to assist in this process. We will be using seeds that thrive in a tropical environment, have a 99% female rate, a total seed to harvest time of 90-120 days, with a THC ratio of less than .3% and a CBD ratio that’s greater than 13%.

Soil Preparation

Before the seeds are planted, our expert horticulturists must prepare the soil for planting. Once the land is cleared, graded for drainage and marked, soil samples are taken from multiple locations on each plot. Once analyzed for content, each lot is balanced perfectly for the optimal growth of the seed’s genetic characteristics. Shortcuts at this stage are never tolerated and our experts are meticulous and exact.

Low Density Planting

Plant spacing is determined by location and variety of the hemp strain planted. Since our goal is to have 2-3 harvest per year (Unlike the one per year in most other regions) we have chosen a “Low density” planting plan. We will plant approximately 2500 plants per acre and will typically harvest 90-120 days from planting. This allows for the highest harvest yields per acre which is made possible by the ideal growing conditions in Belize and the genetics of the seeds we select.

Security Patrol

Our farm is protected 24/7 by our armed security force who patrols the farm day and night. This ensures a quick response and resolution to all threats, natural or man-made. Since Belize is a country with a strong government which has encouraged Industrial Hemp production, we also have the support of local authorities. We also use drones to not only patrol the farm for possible dangers but to also help oversee the growth rates and conditions of each acre we plant. This again helps us identify and quickly correct for any abnormalities in our process. The drone images and footage are also used when compiling our growth data findings which will be published in our newsletters and crop reports.

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